Brief Response to Answering Islam's Article, "The Argument about Abu Lahab"


Bassam Zawadi

Their article could be located here

Read it first.

This statement in the Quran was very daring because it was revealed ten years before Abu Lahab's death. The fact that Abu Lahab had ten years to believe in the Quran as the word of God is a lot of time. Many of the bitterest enemies of Islam, such as Umar bin Al Khattab and Khaled bin Waleed, accepted Islam and so many others. Why they and not Abu Lahab?

If Abu Lahab came out 'even if acting' repenting from fear of Allah's punishment and finally convinced of Muhammad's Prophethood (peace be upon him), then so many people would have started having doubts about the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

So, this was a daring statement for the Prophet to make, considering the risks associated with it. However, since it was a revelation from God, we would expect that things went according to plan.

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